OPVUE will continue with the machine lifecycle replacement program. Regular reviews of the specifications for the standard machine replacement models will occur, to promote use of quality, cost effective technology that leverages developments in industry.
A process to identify resources-intensive operations and tasks across OVPUE, will be used to establish where special accommodations in replacement equipment are required (e.g., laptops for mobile staff, higher computational resource needs, accessories, etc.). Specifications for higher-resource replacement computers will also be maintained to facilitate long-term financial planning throughout the IT lifecycle. The established policy for approval of acquisitions of such hardware will remain in place.
The OVPUE IT website will outline lifecycle procedures, hardware options, and unit lifecycle statuses.
IT will continue to support telephony services in collaboration with the IT Communications Office. IT will promote the use of collaboration technologies and will advocate for the availability of basic videoconferencing equipment for all staff of OVPUE from their workspaces.
IT will identify standard collaboration technologies for use across the RC and encourage and facilitate their use by OVPUE staff.
IT will also advocate for the establishment of collaboration workspaces across OVPUE that support videoconferencing.
IT will continuously evaluate OVPUE’s server infrastructure and optimize it for changing needs. Changes include the need for more resources, changes in technology and requirements, security enhancements, and revisions in data classifications.
Wherever possible, services and resources already available through IU partnerships, will be used or adapted to the needs of units.
IT will work with units to identify valuable uses for enterprise-supported tools like Box, Canvas, and Confluence in managing work and connecting with external constituents (e.g., students, faculty, staff, and the community).