IT will be transparent in its operations. Details on accountability and how decisions will be made are available in the Governance Framework, OITGF1.
Prioritization of work will be intentionally aligned with strategic objectives. Details are made are available in OITGF1.
IT will seek operational efficiency through the following:
1. Enterprise and Vended Solutions (Divesting)In line with Indiana University's Cyber Risk Mitigation Responsibilities (IT-28) Policy, IT will first pursue leveraging existing Enterprise Services, where available.
In the absence of Enterprise Services that adequately accommodate the requirements, IT will analyze the build-buy-or-partner options for a solution, in adherence with OITGF1.
2. Agile MethodologyWhere appropriate, IT will employ agile methodologies for project management. For software development, this will entail regular releases of incremental updates to applications and application-like services that are tested, documented, version controlled, and reviewed by stakeholders.
3. Reusability and Multi-purpose DesignWhere appropriate, IT will design and develop services to be reusable. New development projects will be evaluated to determine whether opportunities exist to produce tools that are useful to multiple OVPUE units.
Development of reusable, adaptive services amounts to an investment in future efficiencies for IT; allowing for faster rollout of tools, websites, and applications, and allowing time for work on new IT problems and projects.
4. Automation of Services & TasksIT will increase efficiencies at quality control and managing assets through the adoption of automated solutions for the execution of regular administrative, code testing, and asset management tasks. Such efficiencies will include enhanced capabilities at remotely managing, supporting, and inventorying devices across the responsibility center; code test automation; and refinement of DevOps (development and operations) solutions.
5. Process Evaluation & ImprovementIT will regularly evaluate processes and procedures in place to seek out efficiencies that can be leveraged through continuous improvement.